All our products are certified and meet the required world standards
We follow the latest applicable international civil and military aviation certification standards when we design our products and are regularly audited by independent organizations, to make sure we comply with the regulations and best practices used in the aerospace industry, for your safety.
Choose from our wide range of products
Becker Avionics has been supplying, for more than six decades, highly compact, robust and durable avionics. Everyday, hundreds of pilots and air traffic controllers rely on our technology. We strive everyday to exceed your expectations, because the best publicity we can wish ourselves is a community of satisfied clients. Becker has earned its reputation of premium quality manufacturer after decades of hard work and dedicated support to its valued customers.

Since 1956, Becker has pioneered products for the light and sport aviation with light-weight and compact radios, transponders and navigation systems. This innovative spirit inspired entire generations of pilots and created a legacy of undisputed reliability over more than six decades.

Becker has been supplying for over more than six decades highly compact, robust and durable avionics. We earn the respect of the commercial and business aviation communities because of our ability to react and adapt to customer specific requirements.

With over six decades of an undisputed reputation for manufacturing robust, durable but also customer tailored products, Becker has earned the respect of the entire special mission aviation community.

Becker’s legacy for premium quality communication solutions has transcended the aviation community for more than six decades. Our commitment to deliver highly reliable products providing for safer flights applies to airborne as well as for ground based systems.
Becker Avionics provides communication, navigation, surveillance and search & rescue equipment.
Reliability, guarantee, certification. This defines our company.
Our products are very sensitive in every possible situation.
It is important to be able to adapt to all possible changes.
Warranty Information
Becker Avionics shall warrant all products in accordance with the product warranty statement. Becker Avionics equipment must be duly registered for warranty by submitting a properly completed online Warranty Registration form by the authorized installation agency. The Dealer shall cooperate and assist Becker Avionics in warranty administration. Warranty is void unless the product is installed by a qualified Becker Avionics Dealer.

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